Field of Study Focuses on Jewish Peoples' Ability to Find Mutual Connections

The social inquisition colloquially known as Jewish Geography is now being offered as a major field of study at twenty-three colleges and universities across the nation.
Some of the universities and colleges offering Jewish Geography as a major include Columbia, Duke, Delaware, University of Wisconsin, University of Michigan, University of Florida, Maryland, George Washington University, Brandeis, and Vanderbilt.
Some of the universities and colleges offering Jewish Geography as a major include Columbia, Duke, Delaware, University of Wisconsin, University of Michigan, University of Florida, Maryland, George Washington University, Brandeis, and Vanderbilt.
The Jewish Geography department at the University of Wisconsin in Madison offered to publish its syllabus for their survey class during the upcoming spring semester: Jewish Geography 118: Introduction to Jewish Geography
Lecture 1: Jews: Who the hell are you?
Lecture 2: New York, Miami, and Wyoming?? Big City vs. Small City Jewish Geography
Lecture 3: The Art of Asking Leading Questions
Lecture 4: Conventional Reactions to Positive Jewish Connections
Lecture 5: The Steins and the Bergs: Goldsteins and Bernsteins; Goldbergs and Pittsburghs
Lecture 6: Tactics in Abruptly Ending a Jewish Geography Session Gone Awry
Lecture 7: Summer Camp Politics
Lecture 8: Jew-dar: Seeking Potential Jewish Geographers Without Saying a Word
Lecture 9: Guilt Trips: Backhanded and Intentional
Lecture 10: Parent-Orchestrated Blind Dates and Other Disasters in Jewish Geography
Other classes in Jewish Geography:
Jewish Geography 269: Forming Early Geography Skills in JCC Nursery School
Jewish Geography 313: The Bar/Bat Mitzvah Wars
Jewish Geography 313: The Bar/Bat Mitzvah Wars
Jewish Geography 613: Overbearing Jewish Mother Seminar
Jewish Geography 714: Jewish Dads and The Sociology of Tolerating Miserable Jokes
Jewish Geography 750: Palm Beach, Palm Springs, and Scottsdale: Jewish Geography While Eligible for Social Security
Jewish Geography 799: Gathering the Jews: How to Run a Jewish Community Website