BEL AIR, CA - (The Comedy News) - The Fresh Prince has decided to run for Congress in 2012. His biggest question now is where he claims permanent residence: Bel Air, California or West Philadelphia, Pennsylvania?
"West Philadelphia was where I was born and raised," Smith recalled. "I can remember being with friends, relaxing, feeling good about myself. But I also remember there was trouble in that neighborhood, I was into fights, my mom being all scared all the time. That's when I sought refuge in southern California. But West Philly, man, if I could be their voice in Congress, I can really bring some positive changes."
Smith spends most of his time in his uncle's mansion in Bel Air, just north of Los Angeles. Although Smith does not see much that he would need accomplish as a Congressman representing Bel Air, he does think the idea of just being elected for the hell of it would be a "fresh" experience.
"I look at that kingdom, my throne in Bel Air. What is there to change? Nothing! It's pretty fresh. But being a Congressman would make living here a truly honorable, royal time."
So that begs the question, where to run for Congress? The Wild Wild West? Or West Philadelphia?
No clear indication has been made, but the Smith for Congress campaign has set up shops in both Bel Air and West Philadelphia. Smith has tapped longtime friend Jeffrey "Jazzy Jeff" Townes to be his campaign manager.
There have been advertisements appearing along both Sunset Boulevard in Bel Air and Locust Street in West Philadelphia recently. The two main slogans are, "Fresh Congressman. Big Willi Style", and "There's no need to argue, Congress just don't understand."
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Smith spends most of his time in his uncle's mansion in Bel Air, just north of Los Angeles. Although Smith does not see much that he would need accomplish as a Congressman representing Bel Air, he does think the idea of just being elected for the hell of it would be a "fresh" experience.
"I look at that kingdom, my throne in Bel Air. What is there to change? Nothing! It's pretty fresh. But being a Congressman would make living here a truly honorable, royal time."
So that begs the question, where to run for Congress? The Wild Wild West? Or West Philadelphia?
No clear indication has been made, but the Smith for Congress campaign has set up shops in both Bel Air and West Philadelphia. Smith has tapped longtime friend Jeffrey "Jazzy Jeff" Townes to be his campaign manager.
There have been advertisements appearing along both Sunset Boulevard in Bel Air and Locust Street in West Philadelphia recently. The two main slogans are, "Fresh Congressman. Big Willi Style", and "There's no need to argue, Congress just don't understand."
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